Wednesday, 7 December 2016
my class music
On wensday me and my class did some music in front of the hole school. rst some people played the boomwhackers then i played the glockenspiel with my class, we played little liza zane.
Monday, 5 December 2016
Willard home
On Thursday me and my class went to Willard home. We read books to them, sang Christmas songs Amelie and flo played piano, Libby played glockenspiel, Rebecca played a violin and Eva and Ben danced while we were singing Christmas songs. We gave them Christmas art too. They liked what we did. They all sang along.
The people at Willard home thought that we were really good at playing the instruments.
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Little gardens
At the start of the year we planted little gardens. I planted a celery. The little gardens have grown big now. Some of them are ready to eat. I haven't eaten my one yet. The chilli took the longest to grow.
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
art review
this year we have been doing art. the art that we have been doing is the mystery man, make your own animal, crayon, cut in half and draw again animal, Charlotte, triangles, cartoons, portrat, all about me, shadow person and van go art.
my favourite pieces of art that i crated were make your own animal, triangles and animal stips because they were fun to make and they look very creative.
art makes me feel good because i like making art it is fun.

my favourite pieces of art that i crated were make your own animal, triangles and animal stips because they were fun to make and they look very creative.
art makes me feel good because i like making art it is fun.

Sunday, 18 September 2016
Sport start
This term I have been doing gymnastics. We got into Pairs. I was with Amelie. One of the moves is the chase where you go to side to side. another is the hop walk where you hop and then walk, it is a bit like skipping. Another is the bantermant where you walk slowly put your arms to the side up high and kick your legs up high.
Friday, 16 September 2016
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Panekiretanga - Reflection
We show panekiretanga during discovery.
YELLOW HAT - I show panekiretanga by listening to my friends and letting them choose.
RED HAT - I feel good when I show panekiretanga.
BLUE HAT - We do discovery to make new friends and show panekiretanga.
YELLOW HAT - I show panekiretanga by listening to my friends and letting them choose.
RED HAT - I feel good when I show panekiretanga.
BLUE HAT - We do discovery to make new friends and show panekiretanga.
sport start
This term we have been doing Sport Start - I like doing the dish roll. I find the teddy bear roll tricky.
WALT Be Creative
This term we have learnt about photograph and photo essays.
We have learnt about the rule of thirds - which is a grid, angle, line and colour.
We have learnt about the rule of thirds - which is a grid, angle, line and colour.
lukas grows down
this term our class made this movie about a boy called lukas a mum a dad and a baby sister. it is called lukas grows down, the book is called Otto grows down. it is funny because when everything goes in reverse, it makes a funny sound when it goes in reverse. and it is funny when Cole showed his angry face. when Lukas's baby sister Lucy was born she ruined everything. everyone in the class was in the video. i was one of the friends.
we have entered the Digi awards.
Tuesday, 13 September 2016

every friday i do seed to table with my class. half of the class does cooking and the other hafe of the class leans about plants.

every friday i do seed to table with my class. half of the class does cooking and the other hafe of the class leans about plants.
I have been doing flat packs with flourish. i am making a giraffe but my giraffe failed so i am making a fan tail.
i put my first one together now i am doing my good copy.
Sunday, 4 September 2016
a moment in time
I see a bright rainbow while it is raining and the sun is out at the same time.
I see rain and puddles on the ground.
I hear splashing on the ground and in the puddles.
I hear the smooth wind blowing the rain to the side.
I feel rain on my umbrella.
I feel rain dripping from the umbrella to my hand.
I think the rainbow will be gone soon.
I wonder when the rain will come again?
By Riya
crayon writing
2.8.16 august
crayon writing
If i was a crayon i would be the colour green because it is everywhere. Green is a very bright colour and a very fun colour. Green is a very cheerful colour. Don’t call me light green or dark green i am bright green a mix of light Green and dark Green. Some of the things i like colouring in are grass leaves and stems.
.Green is the colour of the bright grass.
.Green is the colour of the bright leaves.
.Green is the colour of the bright stems.
.Green is the colour of the bright peas.
.Green is the colour of the bright paint.
.Green is the colour of sour apples.
.Green is the colour of parrots.
.Green is the colour of bright butterflies.
.Green is the colour of bright kiwifruit.
.Green is the colour of bright little frogs.
.Green is the colour of watermelons.
.Green is the colour of broccoli.
.Green is the colour of limes.
.Green is the colour of green strawberries.
.Green is the colour of beans.
.Green is the colour of avocado.
.Green is the colour of green stone.
.green is happiness.
I am good at PE, Maths, Discovery, Art, Reading, Science, Blogging and Writing.
I make a great friend by being be kind to them
Saturday, 27 August 2016
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
The big day☀
Today was Olympics day. We spite up into groups, my buddy was not in my group but I had a different buddy today. I got to choose out of Spain and Netherlands, I Chose Spain. So today I ware red and yellow cloths. there were lots of fun activities. if you won in some of the activities you get a gold meddel I did not get a gold meddle. but it was fun.
Sunday, 14 August 2016
Today something that went well was domenos because i made a long one.
Also puzzels went well today because i finshied 3 with Rebecca.
today i felt happy because evreyone let me choose a lot.
today something that went wrong was play doghle because i only had a little bit of play dogh.
something that i will do next time is cards and imaginz.
Tuesday, 9 August 2016
lolly cake
brenda made lolly cake with us at discovery time. i did not want to make it but i liked it. the lolly in the cake was really sweat, it was too sweat for me but the cake was really yum. my little sister really liked it too. it was not too sweat for her she likes sweats.
Make Lolly Cake using this recipe. Be sure to measure your ingredients carefully!
Lolly Cake
120 g butter
250 g malt biscuit crumbs
180 g fruit puffs
1/2 tin condensed milk
coconut – for coating
1. Warm butter and condensed milk together in the microwave.
2. Add biscuit crumbs and fruit puffs.
3. Stir well.
4. Roll into one log or small balls. Coat in coconut.
Sunday, 31 July 2016
week 2 discovery reflection
What went well today?
water paint went well today because the paint was really bright and the paintbrush was not going everywhere.
What was a challenge today?
A challenge I had...
postoins were challenging today because my postoin was too liquid and too dry and there were not enough dry stuff and bubbly soap and water.
What do I want to do differently next time.
Next time something I would do differently is...
dominos and 1000 bricks is what I want to do next time.
How did I make someone else feel?
How do I feel after discovery today?
I made someone feel … when …
During discovery I felt happy because everyone was kind.
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
my Animale- bunny-tiger-catcy-unicorn
bunny - tiger - catcy - unicorn
This animal's name is bunny - tiger - catcy - unicorn.
she has bunny ears mouth and eyes she has tiger strips and cat whiskers and cat nose and unicorn wings. her eyes are dark brown. she is the colour orange with black strip's. her fur is the softest fur in the wold. her wings have fur on it too. she has long ears but she can not here loud animal's because she is so little. she is fifteen c.m long. she eats chocolate chip biscuits and drinks milk. she protects the under ground the grass the flowers and the trees with the special seeds that only bunny - tiger - catcy - unicorns can make out of some special grass and branches and flower petals and tiny little rocks where bunny - tiger - catcy - unicorns can find. bunny - tiger - catcy - unicorn can only be found in gardens that has lots of dirt leaves flowers and trees so that they will not be found all the time. they get really scared when they see humans. bunny - tiger - catcy - unicorns are harmless.
This animal's name is bunny - tiger - catcy - unicorn.
she has bunny ears mouth and eyes she has tiger strips and cat whiskers and cat nose and unicorn wings. her eyes are dark brown. she is the colour orange with black strip's. her fur is the softest fur in the wold. her wings have fur on it too. she has long ears but she can not here loud animal's because she is so little. she is fifteen c.m long. she eats chocolate chip biscuits and drinks milk. she protects the under ground the grass the flowers and the trees with the special seeds that only bunny - tiger - catcy - unicorns can make out of some special grass and branches and flower petals and tiny little rocks where bunny - tiger - catcy - unicorns can find. bunny - tiger - catcy - unicorn can only be found in gardens that has lots of dirt leaves flowers and trees so that they will not be found all the time. they get really scared when they see humans. bunny - tiger - catcy - unicorns are harmless.
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
12 stick shapes
We have been making shapes with twelve sticks. we can make lots of shapes but only chose one to print. we look at the squres inside and the perimeter. we the shape print it after making a shape.
her is a picher of what i did with my freinds,
but it was a little bit more 3D shape
her is a picher of what i did with my freinds,
but it was a little bit more 3D shape
Te Reo Verbs
This term we have been learning how to write simple sentences in te reo.
Sport Start
This term our class has been using Sports Start. We are getting better at these skills:
- running
- catching
- passing
- throwing
- jumping
- fast reactions
- batting
Our class has been playing Diamond Ball which is like Baseball/Softball.
I have improved with...passing
I really enjoyed...freeze tag
I need to keep working on...catching
Sunday, 26 June 2016
Te Reo
every monday i do Te Reo .
at Te Reo time room 7 comes over to room 6 .
we play Maori games we learn maori words and sentences like
kei te mene mene au
i am smiling
at Te Reo time room 7 comes over to room 6 .
we play Maori games we learn maori words and sentences like
kei te mene mene au
i am smiling
Thursday, 23 June 2016
Dance NZ made
at dance nz made we learn dance moves.
Attachments area
here is a video at dance nz made
Attachments area
here is a video at dance nz made
Monday, 20 June 2016
At assembly the brain busters ware brain crowns at assembly and the superhero's ware their superhero cloths. At the end of assembly i felt great.
this is the brain busters and superhero's
this is the brain busters and superhero's
Thursday, 16 June 2016
Chapter Chat
chapter chat
we read a book and then we writ about it at chapter chat time, chapter chat give's us question's, chapter chat mostly give's us ten question's, once we had eight question's.
chapter chat is where you tweet to other people. you can tweet to people from all over the world.
here is a chart of how to writ a quality tweet
here is a chart of how to writ a quality tweet
I like chapter chat because you can tweet to people from all over the world.
This is my 3D math. I made it with Sophie. Me and Sophie made our own ones. it was easy for me but i enjoyed it, it was fun.
Tuesday, 14 June 2016
Cross country
cross country
today was cross country i thought that i would not be in the to ten. The race was about to began, my heart was beating so fast, just then the race began. I ran as fast as i could, i ran and ran until i started to walk because i got so tired all ready, i walked for a little bit and then i started to run again. i was so puffed but i keeped ruining and then i started walking again and then i ran again i was almost finish, i was so puffed, i walked again and then i ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and ran until i finely finished, and it was not so bad at all i came 8th place.

here is a photo at the starting line.
Monday, 13 June 2016
Tuesday, 7 June 2016
Monday, 6 June 2016
My goal
Today is cross country.
We are going to go to Skoglund park to do our cross country.
I'm feeling nerves and exited the same time.
My goal is to not stop & go on the whole track.
Saturday, 21 May 2016
Planet Earth& Beyond - Pre Assessment
This term we are studying ‘Planet Earth and Beyond’. Part of this Inquiry includes looking at how we get shadows, as well as day and night. Over the term we will be doing different investigations to better our understanding. Below is a sample of my current thinking.
Spider facts
Jumping spider's can see more color's than you do.
Spider's blood is blue in color.
Spider's can lay over 3'0000 egg's at a time.
Max's cake
Monday, 9 May 2016
Mother's Day
on mother's day me and my family woke up and got ready.
fist before we got ready we gave mum our presents, dad gave mum a new watch and a card and my little sister gave mum a fake map and i gave mum four card's and a flower made out of cardboard and coconut ice and a silver pen made out of Crystal she loved it all and i said happy mother's day.
when we got ready we packed our stuff and then went in the car.
my dad drove to Wellington to get my mum's mum and dad it took two hour's to get there. we took a
brake at KFC.
we went home after.
They unpacked their stuff and said hello to us and played with my baby brother.
Tuesday, 29 March 2016
My Learning Goals
Today we looked through our reports from last year. We identified a next step (goal) for reading, writing and maths. Here are my goals:
Maths: My next step is to use 'tidy tys' when adding and subtracting e.g. 185-7 as- (185-5)-2
To achieve this goal I will: try my hardest.
Reading: My next step is to persevere when self-correcting words which I am unsure of.
To achieve this goal I will: chunk the words up like hard-est and chu-nk.
Writing: MY next step is to write for different purposes using a range of genres such as explanations and instructions.
To achieve this goal I will: try to do my extra hardest on my goal.
We also looked at our STAR results.
- Word recognition I got 8 out of 10.
- Sentence comprehension I got 10 out of 10.
- Paragraph comprehension I got 10 out of 15.
- Vocabulary I got 9 out of 10.
I am going to focus on: Paragraph comprehension
To improve in this area I will: practice practice and more practice until I get 10 out of 10 in Paragraph comprehension.
Saturday, 26 March 2016
Active Listening
We are learning about different types of listening. There are 3 main types of listening that we learnt about.
Busy Listening - When the person listening is busy doing something. They are too busy to concentrate on what is being said.
Me Too Listening - When the person listening has a story that they feel is more important than the person talking so they interrupt and share their story instead of listening.
Active Listening - When the person listening looks at the person talking, concentrates, gives non-verbal feedback (e.g. nodding) and asks questions about the story.
To learn about the different types of listening, we watched this video:
As a class we created our own video to help us understand the different types.
After practising each type of listening, we realised…
As a class we are all trying to get better at being active listeners.
As a class we created our own video to help us understand the different types.
After practising each type of listening, we realised…
- Busy listening makes us feel like you’re not listening to us. We found it really hard to keep talking.
- Me too listening makes us feel frustrated and sad that you think your story is more important.
- Active listening makes us feel valued. We know you are listening because you are looking, nodding, asking questions.
As a class we are all trying to get better at being active listeners.
In music with Jenny we are learning to play in a band. We are all learning different instruments and we are working on our rhythm. Check out our videos:
My Reflection:
i did music with Jenny. we did weeping sky wind and rain.
My Reflection:
i did music with Jenny. we did weeping sky wind and rain.
My Maths Learning
I am learning how I can use animal strips in an array to help me solve multiplication questions.
My reflection:
in maths i used animal strips and see how much all together without counting.
My reflection:
in maths i used animal strips and see how much all together without counting.
On Monday we went for a bush walk, after the bush walk the bus picked us and dropped us at kids Rap. On Tuesday we did art we did a inside out one a night Forrest and a piture of ourselves and put flower petels on. On wendsday we had building day I builed with logo. On Thursday it was water day I made a boat and I put real old money on it but it sunk because it got too wet. I did a water fight next then I went with Sophie she blew up the balloons with water I helped her fill them up with the water balloons I went to fight the people that were doing the water fight for the rest of the day. On Friday we did camp day
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
family tree
i am leaning to say my family in Māori.
i am getting better at it.
Tuesday, 22 March 2016
My Swimming Goal
My reflection
I am leaning to keep my knees strat.
I'm not really good i am good at swimming.
but not really good at keeping my knees strat.
next year i will be leaning to keep my knees strat.
i can go faster at swimming if i put my head down with a fluterbord and without a fluterbord.
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
Swimming sports
On Monday morning we went on a bus to the lode for swimming spots. I did the withe, after the ledo we went outside and evry class and did the roll. The bus picked us up and we went to the park. We walked a and we sat on the grass we saw dukes. The bus picked us up and we went back to school.It was a really fun day!!!
Thursday, 25 February 2016
Van Gogh Styled Art
We are learning to paint like Van Gogh. We have read lots of books and watched some tutorials. We've experimented with painting our portraits and now we have had a go at painting sunflowers.
Our paintings needs to have
- short brush strokes
- bright colours
- positive & negative images (Main object with a complementing background)
I am proud of the shapes of my sunflowers.
The most challenging part was drawing it.
If I were to do it again I would like it to brighter.
Wednesday, 24 February 2016
Sunday, 14 February 2016
Wednesday, 3 February 2016
Week One With Brenda
in room 6 I have been doing , Art pictures of yourself, triangles of our name and what we like to do and have fun with, go noodle, dancing and talking. maths maths games and counting, treaty leaves writing about nice things. buddy class making new buddy's and playing games and making things, reading reading new books.
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